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10 Literary Memes that will make your day!

10 Literary Memes that will make your day!

There is something so beautifully relatable about a meme..

Grab a cuppa, lets have a laugh.

Bookish Meme.

1. We know Halloween is over.. but why is this still terrifying?!💀⁠ Especially, if you are collecting a series and then BAM.. one doesn't match!

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2. AMEN. Anyone else agree?!🙏🏼⁠ Let's start a petition and make it happen!

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3. If Mary Shelley didn't doubt herself.. then you shouldn't doubt yourself!

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4. Sounds like the Government during Lockdown.. 👀😅⁠

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5. Anyone else's house look like they are preparing for an apocalypse and need to eat, breathe and live off books?🙃 ⁠

Just us?🙃 ⁠

6. Manifesting that modest little home everyday. 🏠⁠

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7. A minor inconvenience... ⁠
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8. Omg imagine. 😍

9. Get wrecked, mean boys!

10. 👀😅⁠

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