Iconic Mother Figures in Literature
Marilla Cuthbert
Anne of Green Gables by L.M Montgomery
A dutiful, stern woman who takes on Anne as her own. Anne brings out the best in Marilla - not just her brilliant sense of humour but her huge capacity to love unconditionally. Marilla dedicates herself to teaching and preparing Anne for the real world, but she has just as much to learn. The best part of their relationship is that we get to go on this journey with them both.
Rosaleen Daise
The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd
A proud, determined woman and nanny to a young girl named Lily, who she’s raised from the age of four following the death of her mother. Rosaleen is incredibly courageous and gutsy women who stands up for herself against racial prejudices and for Lily against her violent, abusive father. The two eventually flee together to Tilburon, South Carolina where they meet the Boatright sisters.
Miss Honey
Matilda by Roald Dahl
Brave and committed to making Matilda believe in herself and her abilities, even when the rest of the world were telling her that she shouldn’t. Encouraging and kind, Miss Honey was able to see the greatness in Matilda before she was able to see it for herself.
Molly Weasley
Harry Potter by J.K Rowling
A wonderful mother to her own children of course but a fantastic mother figure to Harry too. Protective, loyal, brave, nurturing and brutally honest (in the best way). A woman who takes on whatever life throws at her for the people she loves most.
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